Minggu, 04 Agustus 2013

Download the latest Slide2Open application for BlackBerry SmartPhone

You often bring and use your BlackBerry SmartPhone with no gloves / original wallet when you buy it, it looks like you need an application we discuss, namely the application to lock your BlackBerry SmartPhone. Although existing native applications innate BlackBerry SmartPhone that are usually found on the Home Screen or if you have a BlackBerry smartphone with a touch screen design, then usually there is a button to lock your BlackBerry SmartPhone. But the application is likely to be easier and more simple to lock your BlackBerry SmartPhone. With Slide2Open applications, easier in the lock, just by sliding on your BlackBerry screen.

This application is specific to the BlackBerry with a touch screen. Try to imagine if you do not lock your BlackBerry smartphone, you can only run certain applications. Or worse, you accidentally dial certain numbers, your credit will certainly be reduced without you realizing it. Slide2Open not prevent you from accidentally actions, and also can save battery use your BlackBerry device. And the uniqueness of this application is you can select or set its Background Picture with the image that you like when your BlackBerry is locked.

Download here

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