Monotonous urbanization may already be your best friend everyday. Busyness can no longer inevitable and certainly increasingly taking up your time. Hardly have spare time to relax? Even while on vacation, you are still fixated on the laptop screen that feels more annoying? Maybe from now on you can do it all while relaxing.
No need to bother to bring a laptop with you wherever you go. With the increasing features on your smartphone, you can now do the office work very easy. And the deadline is no longer automatically become your great enemy. The list below is some Office applications for BlackBerry that you must have.
GDocs v 1.5
Google Docs for BlackBerry is the first application that you must have. This application has features similar to those in the desktop version. To download this application, you must have at least BlackBerry operating system version 5.0.0 or greater. There are so many things you can do with this application, namely:
* Searching and Filtering your Documents List.
* Marking, Divide, Rename, and Delete your document.
* Reviewing your documents in offline mode.
* Download documents into your BlackBerry.
* Moving the Unused Document into feature Trash / Bin and can be restored when you need it again.
* Uploading your documents directly from BlackBerry with great ease.
* Create a New Document and Edit it without using Browsing.
* Create a document collection.
* Taking Pictures directly from your BlackBerry and can be converted into a text document in GDocs.
* Full screen for better quality read.
* Updating Documents Online.
Features offered on any version may be different, and you can download the application size is 494 KB for free. Applications can be downloaded [in
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HP ePrint - BBCloudPrint
Very useful for all of you who frequently print documents, HP ePrint - BBCloudPrint make BlackBerry users easily print documents, presentations, reports or whatever it directly. This application supports file types as follows:
* MicrosoftĂ‚ ® Word document.
* Excel Worksheet.
* Percentage PowerPoint.
* File type PDF, Image, and HTML.
* Text and rich text.
* XPS Document
The application size 728 KB. Can be downloaded here and almost supports all types of BlackBerry.
MyDoc2PDFConverter v1.1.0 for BlackBerry Software
This application form size 576 KB and a conversion tool that is very easy to use for BlackBerry. When the application is installed, the application will change the document, contact, percentages, online article, and the others are competent to form a PDF file. This high-quality application supports many file types: doc, docx, xls, xlsx, ppt, pptx, rtf, txt, html, png, jpg, bmp.
* Can convert SMS into PDF format.
* Can convert Microsoft Office files, including Word, Excel, and PowerPoint documents into PDF format.
* Can change the large photos and countless into PDF format.
* Can change the selected contacts or even all of them into a PDF format, and can create a PDF from SMS.
* And can review the files are modified.
Modifier application is very easy to use, and well understood, this application can be download here.
Breezy - Print and Fax v1.4.0
Breezy can be regarded as the most revolutionary applications with a size of 193 KB. It can print, send faxes, or attachments from email to any printer or fax machine with an easy, fast, and very safe anywhere and anytime. Breezy integrated on your BlackBerry menu.
This application can be used in several types, from free to a paid every month. Breezy and connectors must be installed on your computer, it can be downloaded directly here.
Zipper by Nutec Apps
With technologically advanced file explorer, Zipper by Nutec Apps measuring 97 KB can manage all files, folders, all shaped zip archives quickly and easily.
Worth $ 4.99 this application can recognize many file types, and its also pretty good with:
* Organize or Move files between your BlackBerry and Memory.
* Organize all files, folders, and files directly from internal memory or a memory card of your BlackBerry.
* Zip and UnZip all files and folders.
* Move, Delete, Copy and Paste all the files. And also can read the info file properties.
This application can be downloaded directly here.
That list of office applications for BlackBerry that you can have to help or alleviate your office work, from free to paid.
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