Selasa, 30 Juli 2013

Tips: How to Send SMS on the BlackBerry PlayBook

Basically, there are two types of tablets are tablet types of Wi-Fi and 3G. Wi-Fi tablets allow you to connect to the Internet using WiFi networks are available, whereas, a 3G tablet can connect to the Internet using the built-in features using a GPRS mobile phone connection / SIM. 3G WiFi enabled as well.
BlackBerry Playbook is an awesome device, but RIM has yet to release a 3G device, but still you can stay connected to the Internet using your BlackBerry smartphone with the use of one simple software called BlackBerry Bridge, which makes bluetooth link between your BlackBerry smartphone with BlackBerry Playbook. But unfortunately, so far available version of BlackBerry Bridge does not support sending SMS, so here is a way to send SMS text messages from your BlackBerry PlayBook.

The next course is petanyaan can not send Text Messages (SMS) with the BlackBerry PlayBook. And the answer is they can, but we need an application called the "Message Gateway". Following the simple steps below will guide you to configure the BlackBerry PlayBook you to send SMS text messages in a short time:

The device needs:

  • BlackBerry SmartPhone.
  • BlackBerry Playbook.
  • Applications for BlackBerry MessageGateway

How to Configure / settings:

  1. Download the app for BlackBerry MessageGatway in BlackBerry AppWorld.
  2. Install MessageGateway applications you've downloaded on BlackBerry SmaetPhone.
  3. Open the application that you have installed, look for the icon name "SULATA", usually in the download folder.
  4. After application open, click on the menu button (BlackBerry logo) and 'Add New Account'.
  5. Please provide a name for the settings and configurations that you create.

  • "Account:" This is the name for your reference so you can remember what this account relates to.
  • "Email:" is MessageGateway will forward email from an email address that has been assigned as an SMS to a particular number you select gakan yan. So here you need to provide an email address configured to receive emails on BlackBerry phones. This could be an existing one or you can create a new one.
  • "Forward as:" You can configure MessageGateway to forward emails as SMS or BB PIN, so here select 'SMS'.
  • "Status:" It's just to turn on and off to, to activate this application select "Enable".

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