Kamis, 18 Juli 2013

Some Reasons Or Causes At BB PIN Suspend

One of the security held by the BlackBerry smartphone is PIN. BlackBerry PIN is an individual's unique identity - their BlackBerry SmartPhone device, so a PIN is only used by the BlackBerry SmartPhone devices. And highly unlikely if no PIN is owned by 2 BlackBerry devices let alone more. BB PIN is an arrangement and combination of letters and the alphabet or the arrangement of a few letters.

But along with the development of technology there are some irresponsible trying to do - it illegal to duplicate or term is CLONING BB PIN. Though not a difficult thing for RIM as the manufacturer and is in control in server to know and do block or suspend download for BlackBerry SmartPhone devices with cloned BB PIN or BlackBerry SmartPhone devices with the cloned PIN. BlackBerry SmartPhone devices with BB PIN is suspended of course can not do anything related to BBID or fuel. So SmartPhone devices can not be used to download the AppWorld application and can not do chat via BBM, since both of these features relate directly to the RIM server.

On this post we want to share information as to why there is a BlackBerry device with a PIN BB suspended and how to overcome them:

* BB PIN BlackBerry SmartPhone devices suspended due to the use of PIN as a result of cloning from another BB PIN.
* BB PIN BB PIN suspended because you have cloned or duplicated by others who are not responsible illegal manner.
* There are people who reported your BB PIN for any reason, this can happen if you buy a second BlackBerry SmartPhone devices or used, in which the first owner had reported to the RIM that BlackBerry SmartPhone with XXXXXX PIN has been lost or stolen. So RIM could have closed (suspend) the BB PIN.

And for those of you who have a BlackBerry smartphone device with a PIN suspended may still be able to open your BB PIN access, by means RIM will report on the status of ownership of your problem and the BlackBerry smarphone is certainly accompanied by evidence - convincing evidence.

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