Senin, 08 Juli 2013

BlackBerry Tips : Battery not charging Easy fix

On a post a few months ago we have posted about BlackBerry How To Solve Can not Charge After Running On Battery Power, and after that a lot of questions - questions that go in our connection with the post-desktop charger

And the best we can, we try to answer every question that comes in, but maybe our limitations, some of us are less satisfactory answer for you. And this time we want to share that experience for another solution to the same problem. This post is based on our experience we might naturally you also, that is where your BlackBerry still will not even have running the flame of our solution is the first after running out of power and your BlackBerry will not come on again despite having charged several hours.

This alternative solution is actually very simple, you just need to deduct battery your BlackBerry by using a desktop charger for a few minutes (30-45 minutes). Then you remove and reinstall on your BlackBerry.

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