Some time ago, a mobile device company better known as RIM has announced the emergence of a new device called BlackBerry 10. Q10 starter with two devices that still brings a traditional design and a QWERTY Z10 brings fulltouchscreen design and carry candybar design. Some operators in Indonesia had been racing to bring these devices to welcome the public interest will be the emergence of this latest device from RIM.
But there are questions that will tickle the appearance of BlackBerry 10, which is what Windows Phone should be aware of the presence of this 10 BB? Windows Phone is an article of the old operating system that has been reincarnated into a new look to mediate disputes between iOS and Android is increasingly heated.
There is little doubt for some people out there that BB 10 has the same level when it should be compared to Microsoft. The international media has so far been much more enthusiastic or even forgive the reincarnation of the 10 BB compared to what is done by Microsoft in which Microsoft really showcases fresh ideas and thoughts freshdari actually compared the results reincarnation of another operating system that plucks at least some factor other than the operating system. Indeed, it is reasonable in the development of technology, but what is done by Microsoft is really a something really fresh. Due to a wave of support from the international media out there, the BlackBerry with a new face appear more confident.
In addition to the support of the international media, the BlackBerry also always have the support of the operator destination country. Commencing in Indonesia alone there are some great operators who are eager to adopt these devices.
Currently Apple and Android operating systems are two alternating diligently fill sales market smartphonedi global market, and managed to suck up a lot of customers left and right. And at this moment, Windows Phone
Though Windows Phone has now failed to â???? Meledakâ????, But growth has increased four-fold compared to last year. With such interesting hardwareyang HTC 8X and Lumia 920 looks tough, get a BlackBerry against Windows Phone just the two devices?
One source who has tried to charm new of 10 BB's to say that the view taken by BB 10 is very boring and quite bland. Such as the operating system is in compliance with the zoom icons everywhere just like iOS, Android, and even MeeGo. Is to look like it will work well enough? RIM should have been able to give a different look as well as iOS and Android are filled with rows and rows of icons.
Would it work well? However, BlackBerry has done a pretty good job that most users will get something, but it's not the game display interface.
If you want in komparasikan with Windows Phone as a business phone, the BlackBerry does not have Office, SkyDrive, OneNote (although they try to BlackBerryRemember), there is no Lync, GroupMe, SharePoint and Yammer or all applications and services in mobile real Time should collaborate with the users with the appropriate OS.
Windows Phone 8 and Windows 8 comes with close proximity simultaneously. Is it SmartGlass SkyDrive or Office or also, the two operating systems will allow users to experience desktop, tablet and mobile phone are all the same. BlackBerry can not compete with the environment and does not have synergy.
Much attention is focused on how many BlackBerry applications that support the newest devices this. And some of the names of the applications provided to BB 10 while this:
Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Foursquare, WhatsApp, Amazon Kindle, New York Times, The Economist, MLB AtBat, ESPN ScoreCenter, CBS Sports, PGA Tour, NHL Gamecenter, SportsTracker, ATP, UFC Cisco Webex, Bloomberg, Evernote, SAP, Citrix , Soundhound, The WeatherChannel, BBC Top Gear, eMusic, Slacker, Songza, TuneIn Radio, Paper Camera, Box, DropBox, ooVoo, United Airlines, Delta Airlines,, Flixster, andStubhub
We can see that there is no Instagram, Pandora, Amazon Mobile, CNN, USA Today, Groupon, Netflix, LastPass, uTorrentRemote, Audible, eBay, Fandango, UrbanSpoon, Foodspotting, GroupMe, IMDb, YouTube, TripIt, PayPal, MyFitnessPal.
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