Selasa, 09 Juli 2013

BB Tips : How to Delete Account Group in BlackBerry Messenger (BBM)

BlackBerry Messenger or more popularly called BBM is present with all the advantages of the mobile phone (HP) normal. And one of them is a mainstay is the BlackBerry Messenger. But not infrequently BBM also spawned new problems such as smatphone BlackBery devices will be slow if we join the group too much, especially if we include someone who forgot or too lazy to delete or clear chat history in BBM group.

And sometimes there are some who invite us without first reading we just accept or receive. And it turns out we received a direct invite a group of someone we know or a group we do not like. And you should know that once we join in a group need different treatments when we want delete especially if it turns out that we accept the invite Joining Failed status. The following tips:
  • Open BBM app on your BB device.
  • Open category group
  • Click one of the group in Faied Joining status.
  • When the message appears click "OK".

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