Selasa, 25 Juni 2013

Tips on How to Use a More Effective At BBM Blackberry z10

Blackberry RIM continues to develop in order to survive and even compete in the world market gadget. After launching blackberry Z10 flagship products, RIM is trying to develop a range of features found in their latest operating system BlackBerry 10. One of the features of the BBM is being developed. As is known, the origin of Kanda's smartphone has a fairly popular messaging features a lot of people. In the latest BlackBerry products, BBM feature has got to be a touch more optimal way to use BBM.

Blackberry Messenger or BBM instant messaging system feature is provided by RIM for blackberry devices. How to use BBM PIN is to use exclusively held as a liaison between blackberry blackberry device. Now the emerging cross-platform chat application that has crushed advantage BBM. Therefore, you will find a different way to use BBM on blackberry devices z10.

For those of you who are familiar with the features of BBM on blackberry gadgets old, you might be a little surprised when the gadget uses the BBM in the Z10. BBM on blackberry Z10 features had a difference in the blackberry device before. As stated above, RIM continues to develop features of the BBM. Here's how to use the features of the BBM to be optimized on the latest range of Blackberry devices.

1. BBM Instant Action

When was busy using BBM, you can try BBM features Instant Action. How to use this BBM, lets you chat with a contact quickly in the list.

You can use this feature with the way games go to the home screen. Then, type in "BBM" followed by the name BBM contacts that you want to berchating ria. Then tap the contact name that has arisen. You will be taken directly to the BBM chat window. You had been able to chat with your friends.

If you use the BlackBerry operating system BlackBerry Z10 with 10.1, you still can use the Instant Action. Simply tap the search icon at the bottom of the home screen, followed by BBM type in the word and then type the contact's name.

This feature also applies to other navigation. You can update your facebook or twitter to call, send an email or SMS. This feature is expected to make it easier to navigate quickly.

2. Choose List or Grid

If you notice, the default view on the blackberry BBM contacts displayed Z10 layout. One thing that is quite interesting in how to use the BBM in this latest gadget is that you can adjust the layout of the BBM contact list. You can change the list view to display list contact or regular list view. Fortunately, even changed the look apappun, BBM contact list on blackberry devices z10 remain attractive.

To change your BBM contact list view, you go first to feature BBM. After the Swipe-down screen from top to bottom. Then, tap "settings" and you are transported into the Contact menu layout with grid and list two options. Now tap the option you live according to your wishes.

3. High resolution photos

BBM is still the king to issue the messaging system in Indonesia. With a variety of features offered, became a mainstay of communication tools that some companies. In addition to chat, BBM can also be used to share images, photos to video. How to use these fuels will further maximize the features of your BBM.

Now you can just share the pictures just in BBM. If at any time you get sent an interesting picture or photo, you can now ask for the original image from a photo or image that is sent through BBM. Sometimes the images are sent to the BBM has gone through the process so that it can be sent compres. You simply tab and menaham on thumbnails photo BBM sent to you. after that will appear on the right side menu screen, select HQ (high quality) from the menu. If your BBM friends agree, the photos posted on the BBM quality will be sent back to the original resolution. It takes a larger data connection when sending images to the native resolution on BBM.

4. BBM Music Updates

How to use the next BBM is quite interesting. RIM really - really want to strengthen the position of the Backberry Messanger in a row the best features of a blackberry. Now when you use BBM, you can also show your friend your music being heard. For the settings, you go into the settings menu in the BBM on blackberry z10 then select the Show What I'm Listening To.

5. Links Contacts

One other interesting tips is to use BBM BBM contacts feature. If you have a contact with 2 different name. BBM feature on BlackBerry 10 operating system will automatically incorporate them into one. However, there are some contacts that can not be merged automatically. You can do it manually.

Open the contact list. Then tap and hold one name that you want to unite. Then tap "select more" and then tap the name of others who want to put together. Last tap "link contacts" on the menu.

How to use BBM above you can use to maximize the performance features of the BBM. Moreover, RIM continues to develop BBM on the latest blackberry operating system.

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