Kamis, 11 Juli 2013

BB Tips: BlackBerry ID Password Reset via Website

Of the many questions that go both in contact and in the comments are about BlackBerry ID. And average - average incoming questions are related to forgotten passwords problem when you want to download a particular application on BlackBerry AppWorld and asked to enter the BlackBerry ID and Password. It is most annoying is when the hard to find applications in AppWorld tau tau ​​eh we forget our BlackBerry ID password.

And in fact we are able to reset or recover passwords for BB ID directly from your BlackBerry device at the moment, but we should put the answer of the secret question to recover passwords. But what would happen if we also answer the question that we make.

Now we want to share how to BlackBerry ID password recovery for BlackBerry SmartPhone us with an answer without having to enter the password recovery, how mas?? :) so sure that occurred. The way is Click Here, then enter your username and BBID also type the code / captca, and click the submit button. Next, you open your email and open the email from RIM and follow the steps - steps BB ID reset your password.

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