BlackBerry SmartPhone has a particular type, really - really helped us to stay and stay connected with relatives, family, relatives, friends, friends and co-workers. Especially if we are talking about the BBM (BlackBerry Messenger), SmartPhone security features this one really - really makes fellow users feel satisfied, because we can share and any share in real time (with a normal operator network conditions).
And very easily we can connect with people - just ask the people close to the registered email or PIN BB. And the sooner we can connect with friends of our friends: D, or connect with others through our friends. There are several ways to add a BBM contact us, such as:
* Invite friends, friends, relatives with a PIN or Email. From the Home Screen press the BBM icon -> Press the menu button (BB logo) -> Invite To fuel. Enter the email address of a friend or someone who would you invite or PIN BB have given your friend.
And if you ask a friend contact (PIN BB) your other friends, then you do not need to be hard to memorize / record / copy / paste and send them to your friends. You can share your BBM contact with your friends who have not connected with your contacts to another facility by utilizing Invite To Others, Enable trick is room / space chat with your friends who will you send BBM contacts, then press the menu button (BBM Logo ) -> Invite Others. It will display all your contacts in your fuel, give the checklist on the contact you want to share with your friends. Press the OK button to send the contacts you've marked.
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