Sabtu, 27 Juli 2013

How to Connect BlackBerry PlayBook With BlackBerry Bridge

Have you ever had trouble to connect the device with a BlackBerry SmartPhone Tablet - BlackBerry PlayBook you own or just want to share files with your friend's PlayBook. If you are still having trouble it is good to listen to these tips

Before you begin to connect the BlackBerry PlayBook tablet to your BlackBerry smartphone, you need to download the BlackBerry Bridge app from the BlackBerry App World storefront on smartphones running BlackBerry Device Software 5.0 or later on your BlackBerry SmartPhone.

Here are tips and steps - steps to connect the BlackBerry PlayBook - BlackBerry SmartPhone:
  1. Install the BlackBerry Bridge application on the BlackBerry smartphone, wait for the install to complete.
  2. On the BlackBerry PlayBook tablet home screen you have, the status bar, tap the symbol Settings> BlackBerry Bridge.
  3. Press Setup> Next> Continue.
  4. Then on your smartphone, open the BlackBerry Bridge application on the BlackBerry smartphone, click Add New Tablet> Continue.
  5. Point your BlackBerry smartphone camera at the barcode on your tablet to scan the bar-code.
  6. Click the Confirm on your BlackBerry smartphone, confirming the item to appear on your tablet and click Continue.

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