You may buy a BlackBerry because BlackBerry keyboard display Z10 is a fantastic plus the battery life is fantastic. However it turns out, the usefulness of the latest BlackBerry mobile phone Z10, the many features and menus that can be put to good use by you.You can choose the BlackBerry and start using it just because it is new stuff mobile phone and without knowing its usefulness. Well, of course there are many new things that you can use with the latest BlackBerry mobile phone Z10's. Of BlackBerry mobile phone Z10 tips you need right?
The beginning of it all is that you only need to press the Menu button to get the main options on each screen. The home screen of the BlackBerry mobile phone Z10 This is a secret all very attractive features. Arbitrarily so that you can maximize the features available in BlackBerry mobile phone Z10 you, this time has some tips BlackBerry mobile phone Z10 uncover the features that BlackBerry mobile phone Z10 your pet.
Use the Keyboard Less
First tip is on the keyboard. As we know the BlackBerry has always had a QWERTY keyboard and can make users perform text typing very fast and convenient. Well, besides that, in the features of your BlackBerry Z10 is more spoiled again by writing the feature built-in shortcuts. To do so, you can press the space bar twice at the end of a sentence to end the writing and to change the automatic mode of the next word.
Do not bother with apostrophes in words like me and not, there are some other abbreviations like 'wel' which means 'we will' and 'il' which means 'I will' and you can add the abbreviation according to Options> AutoText you . BlackBerry AutoText itself useful to speed up the typing process by creating your own abbreviations and corrections.
Quick Capitals
You do not need to press the shift key to change the word to uppercase. You just simply press and hold the letter key you meant to menrubah to uppercase.
Skip Symbol
If you type an email address into the field asking for an email address, you do not have to bother anymore to figure out how to type the '@', you simply hit the field and BlackBerry are automatically raises '@' for you. You can also do the same for the URL in the browser, it will certainly make you faster in typing an email address or website you need. So you do not have to bother - bother to write @ first.
Fast Select (Having quickly)
There are many options on the menu command to choose what you want to copy and move. One of them simply by pressing the Shift key to select the data that you want the same when you scroll the trackball on BlackBerry mobile phone Z10 you.
Keyboard Shortcuts
You just need to use the 't' to direct on to the top of the text when you finish reading a text message or email messages, web pages and use the 'b' to go directly to the end or bottom of the text. There are some special shortcuts for all built-in applications like using the Mute button to stop the video or move the playlist to the next or previous song by pressing and holding the volume up and down keys (which also zoom in and out in the camera - although many applications use I and O to zoom), and there is also a list of the tools help if you feel confused in exploring other things.
Choose Dialling or Shortcuts (Select call or shortcut)
In option Options> Phone Options> General Options, you can set the Dial From Home Screen to 'Yes' or 'No', if you set it to 'Yes', you can start typing a name to dial out directly on your phone screen BlackBerry Z10 , if you set it to 'No', you can type the first letter of the application on the Home screen to open the ID that you are headed (M for Mail, B for browser, C to write email, N for Messenger, L for Calendar and U for Calculator ).
Web Columns
To change the Web coloms, you can press Z on the web browser to reflow the page into your BlackBerry screen column size, making it easier to read, press Z again to return to your normal page.
Turn on JavaScript
To save memory and make pages load faster browser, the BlackBerry browser usually has JavaScript is turned off in the rules first, you can change it by going to use Options> Browser Configuration> Support JavaScript to turn and be able to load more quickly the web screen.
Which Browser?
Well, there are three different browsers on the BlackBerry, WAP browser to view the content of your mobile network, the BlackBerry HTML browser (and browser prioritizing hotspot Wi-Fi connection). If you have problems accessing or loading a web page, you can go to the Options menu> Browser Configuration and set Browser to BlackBerry Browser and make sure Options> General Properties> Default Browser is also set to BlackBerry Browser.
Fast Search (Quick Search)
To perform a quick contact search, you can search for contacts, messages and files on the web pages at the same time and with the press S to search for contacts and messages and press F if you're opening another application.
Well, the tips above are a few new tricks that you can practice using your favorite mobile phone Z10 BlackBerry. There are many tips that will given in the next article. Hopefully BlackBerry Z10 tips tricks above can be beneficial to you.
The beginning of it all is that you only need to press the Menu button to get the main options on each screen. The home screen of the BlackBerry mobile phone Z10 This is a secret all very attractive features. Arbitrarily so that you can maximize the features available in BlackBerry mobile phone Z10 you, this time has some tips BlackBerry mobile phone Z10 uncover the features that BlackBerry mobile phone Z10 your pet.
Use the Keyboard Less
First tip is on the keyboard. As we know the BlackBerry has always had a QWERTY keyboard and can make users perform text typing very fast and convenient. Well, besides that, in the features of your BlackBerry Z10 is more spoiled again by writing the feature built-in shortcuts. To do so, you can press the space bar twice at the end of a sentence to end the writing and to change the automatic mode of the next word.
Do not bother with apostrophes in words like me and not, there are some other abbreviations like 'wel' which means 'we will' and 'il' which means 'I will' and you can add the abbreviation according to Options> AutoText you . BlackBerry AutoText itself useful to speed up the typing process by creating your own abbreviations and corrections.
Quick Capitals
You do not need to press the shift key to change the word to uppercase. You just simply press and hold the letter key you meant to menrubah to uppercase.
Skip Symbol
If you type an email address into the field asking for an email address, you do not have to bother anymore to figure out how to type the '@', you simply hit the field and BlackBerry are automatically raises '@' for you. You can also do the same for the URL in the browser, it will certainly make you faster in typing an email address or website you need. So you do not have to bother - bother to write @ first.
Fast Select (Having quickly)
There are many options on the menu command to choose what you want to copy and move. One of them simply by pressing the Shift key to select the data that you want the same when you scroll the trackball on BlackBerry mobile phone Z10 you.
Keyboard Shortcuts
You just need to use the 't' to direct on to the top of the text when you finish reading a text message or email messages, web pages and use the 'b' to go directly to the end or bottom of the text. There are some special shortcuts for all built-in applications like using the Mute button to stop the video or move the playlist to the next or previous song by pressing and holding the volume up and down keys (which also zoom in and out in the camera - although many applications use I and O to zoom), and there is also a list of the tools help if you feel confused in exploring other things.
Choose Dialling or Shortcuts (Select call or shortcut)
In option Options> Phone Options> General Options, you can set the Dial From Home Screen to 'Yes' or 'No', if you set it to 'Yes', you can start typing a name to dial out directly on your phone screen BlackBerry Z10 , if you set it to 'No', you can type the first letter of the application on the Home screen to open the ID that you are headed (M for Mail, B for browser, C to write email, N for Messenger, L for Calendar and U for Calculator ).
Web Columns
To change the Web coloms, you can press Z on the web browser to reflow the page into your BlackBerry screen column size, making it easier to read, press Z again to return to your normal page.
Turn on JavaScript
To save memory and make pages load faster browser, the BlackBerry browser usually has JavaScript is turned off in the rules first, you can change it by going to use Options> Browser Configuration> Support JavaScript to turn and be able to load more quickly the web screen.
Which Browser?
Well, there are three different browsers on the BlackBerry, WAP browser to view the content of your mobile network, the BlackBerry HTML browser (and browser prioritizing hotspot Wi-Fi connection). If you have problems accessing or loading a web page, you can go to the Options menu> Browser Configuration and set Browser to BlackBerry Browser and make sure Options> General Properties> Default Browser is also set to BlackBerry Browser.
Fast Search (Quick Search)
To perform a quick contact search, you can search for contacts, messages and files on the web pages at the same time and with the press S to search for contacts and messages and press F if you're opening another application.
Well, the tips above are a few new tricks that you can practice using your favorite mobile phone Z10 BlackBerry. There are many tips that will given in the next article. Hopefully BlackBerry Z10 tips tricks above can be beneficial to you.
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