Tip Taking Pictures on PlayBook screen. Tablet Playbook is RIM, the company behind the screen of a BlackBerry. Although not quite captured the hearts of users in the world but the PlayBook is still quite attractive, especially for fans of the BlackBerry. Operating system developed by QNX purportedly from Alpha Demo BlackBerry 10 BlackBerry 10 will use the core of the PlayBook.
Picture made RIM PlayBook RIM PlayBook
Screenshot on PlayBook is fairly easy, because, like the iPhone or Apple iOS. Operating systems already exist screenshot feature in it. I need to know is how. Here's how to take a screenshot PlayBook.
1. Prepare a display that will be photographed
2. Then press the volume up and down buttons simultaneously until you hear a sound like a camera snap.
3. Completed, you've successfully make skrinshot. Now please see the result in the Pictures folder.
Hopefully useful and see you with tips to use the next Playbook.
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