Kamis, 27 Juni 2013

Instructions How to Make a Zip File in the BlackBerry 10

BlackBerry's latest operating system BlackBerry 10 is offering an attractive interface design and powerful features to use. For the new switch to a new BlackBerry 10 or BlackBerry use, it's good to learn the basic operations are used. In this article will discuss how to create a ZIP file using the BlackBerry 10.

File that has the extension. Zip is an archive file that contains the original file can be a file with a different format. Zip files can only be filled by the course but can contain folders. Using a file with the extension. Much easier as Zip files or folders that have been in-zip more easily when moved to other places such as between and among hard disk drive to another storage area. In addition, this type of file has a smaller size and much safer because getting a security password, if desired. This makes a lot of files and folders that can be downloaded on the internet has a zip extension because it is more easily transferred and smaller size.

Step-by-step how to create a Zip file on most new BlackBerry operating system is considered to be very easy because exactly the same when using the operating system on a PC or tablet. Fortunately no need to use additional applications to be installed first to use this feature. BlackBerry 10 has a File Manager application is now able to manage Zip files with extensions such as create and open Zip files with ease.

File Manager feature is not only able to compress files that exist in your BlackBerry in the form of image files, video, music, and files with other extensions, but also able to email a Zip file or Zip file you transfer easily to other BlackBerry devices. In this tutorial, will be divided into two parts: the first part is Zip Unzip files and folders as well as files and folders with Zip extension.

Files and Folders

  1. How to create a Zip file that is first run File Manager application in the BlackBerry 10 operating system.
  2. You will go into the file explorer where it will display all the files and folders that are stored on your BlackBerry.
  3. You just have a file or folder is compressed into a Zip file with the file or folder by touching and then detained for a few moments. You can select a file or folder or multiple files and folders by selecting the option Select More on the right side of the File Manager application.
  4. Select the option with the three dots icon under the option Select More to display the Zip file or folder option.
  5. The last way to select the Zip Zip process on the selected files and folders.
  6. Files or folders with your Zip extension has been created. To change the name, just hold the file or folder until the Rename option and change the name as desired.

Unzip Files and Folders
  1. Used almost the same way that applications run File Manager
  2. Find the file or folder that has the extension. Want your Zip Unzip.
  3. Once found, hold the file or folder a few moments to appear Unzip option
  4. Select an option and Unzip files or folders you Zip extention is no longer so that it can be used.

1 komentar:

  1. I am searching for this and then I found your blog. Thanks for the above post. I had done all the step which is above mentioned for making the zip file and then also for the unzip the file. Its done.You did a good job.
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